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For all online orders, product support, or wholesale inquiries, please fill out the form below and include as much information as possible. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Wholesale Inquiries: sales@mpowerd.com

Looking to become a distributor of MPOWERD products or to purchase a bulk order? Get in touch with our sales team. To apply for a wholesale account click here

Impact & Disaster Relief: impact@mpowerd.com

If you work with an NGO or organization that is planning a disaster relief initiative that is interested in partnering with us, please reach out to us. GIVE Luci

Troubleshooting: Take a glance at our troubleshooting methods if you need assistance with your light. If that still does not answer your question, please complete the form below for further assistance.

Warranty Claims: Please ensure that your item is within the 1-year warranty and that you have your receipt / order number handy, along with photos of the defect or issue. Items outside of the 1-year warranty will not be replaced. Complete the form below to get started with your warranty claim.